Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Mixed Marriage - 1071 Words

Marriage is a compromise at best. However, when you introduce major differences into a marriage such as race, religion or nationality, there are additional problems you may face. Many couples only think about the love they feel for one another until confronted with some of the problems of mixed marriages. Mixed marriages have taken place since the beginning of time. As people explored and traveled, men would fall in love with local women and either stay or take the women back home with them. Marriages of mixed religions, races or cultures have traditionally met with resistance by either partys family or friends, or by society in general. However, the term also defines the union of two people from different religious faiths or different†¦show more content†¦Children born of interracial or multinational couples should be taught the culture and heritage of both parents. Making children choose to identify with only part of their background is a recipe for disaster later in life. Society has long used the excuse that opposition to mixed marriages is based on the problems children would have to face because of their parents decisions. However, many notable children born to interracial or international couples have thrived. These people include renowned golfer Tiger Woods, actress Halle Berry and the 44th president of the United States, Barack Obama. The only real way to clear up the problems is to talk about them and come to a sort of understanding about what you will and will not be doing in your life. Sometimes, families just want to hear what the future will bring so that they know what to expect of a relationship. By avoiding the discussion, you might be inadvertently raising their hopes. Have the conversation that tells family members what you agreed to in your marriage whether they agree or not is not something that you can control, but letting them know the truth is something that they can respect. Or at least, will respect in time. If your interracial marriage is having difficulties, dont assume that the problem is based because of your racial differences. Here are some coping strategies to help deal with issues that could be hurting your interracial marriage relationship. †¢ Do follow whatShow MoreRelatedMixed Marriages Between Aryans And Non Aryans894 Words   |  4 PagesMixed marriages between Aryans and non-Aryans threatened the power of the Nazi regime. Intermarriage made it difficult to persecute non-Aryan partners, since the Aryan usually defended his/her spouses, unlike groups such as Jews, Sinti, Roma, and homosexuals, who had no one to defend them. It wasn’t until their own family members who were targeted, that Germans opposed exploitations. Many regarded their cases as exceptions, but Nazis saw that this could led to unpopularity of the Nazi regime. TheRead MoreCulture Shock And The Effect On International Business2714 Words   |  11 Pagesbusinesses to succeed abroad from a cultural perspective. 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